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Home » Google Update Is Not Good News for Creator

Google Update Is Not Good News for Creator


Google has announced their updates for March, which have had a significant impact on many sites worldwide. Some people found their pages deindexed and lost traffic, falling out of top rankings.

This situation has left SEO practitioners confused as they try to understand what happened to their sites. Personally, I consider this update a nightmare. I manage several sites, all of which are blogs. Since the October update, my pages have consistently lost their position in SERP. Now, however, I’ve noticed them resurfacing with various changes.

We don’t know exactly why we lost so much traffic when Google launched their update. The most apparent answer to this issue seems to be related to our content.

Google aims to provide users with comfortable access to quality information through their search results. As publishers, it’s essential for us to create helpful content which Google values.

Therefore, we believe that Google is emphasizing quality content with its new updates. Some practitioners speculate that AI-generated content has had a significant impact on dropping rankings.

I don’t doubt this argument. However, on the other hand, I’ve observed that some sites with AI-generated content still manage to maintain top rankings. This can be verified through the Reddit forum.

The main point I want to convey in this article is that Google can cause trouble for us. One cannot expect a new business to grow rapidly solely through SEO. It’s important to remember that SEO requires a long-term strategy. Consequently, I’m now more cautious about promoting SEO as the best approach for those entering this business or seeking career advancement. Google can tarnish your portfolio unexpectedly at any given time.


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